Thursday, March 30, 2006

Country Men Hear My Words...

Country Men Hear My Words...

The resent protest my Mexican brothers and sister have done has just disappointed me. Most of the young men and women marching down the streets have no clue why the are marching. If you asked them most wouldn't the name of the bill they are against. Most of the don't even know what a bill is or how to spell immigration. I am not trying to say that these young men and women are stupid, but they are. What bothers me the most is not that they don't know what they are marching for but the fact that they would jeopardize their education for their emotions.

Most of the illegals that come to America come because they in their countries they could not receive an education and hence could not acquire a job. The students who are protesting are given a free education and what are they doing with it? Wasting it for emotions and a sense of patriotism. If these people where so interested in the well being of illegals they would perform these protest on the weekend where instead smoking pot on the back of an alley they could actually prove to others that they truly believe in the cause and are not just puppets to their emotions or in it just for the opportunity to escape school.

These young Mexicans marching are not making a point they are making fools of themselves. If these people truly wanted for America to embrace the illegal worker them they would proudly strut with an American flag, not a Mexican one. We can't expect America to give us what we want by force. It's like the old saying " You can get more flies with honey than with vinegar." These people are only marching because they feel America was turned its back on Mexico, in reality American politicians, (most of them)want what's best for both countries. A Guest-Worker Program would benefit both Mexico and America.

Don't think I agree with the infamous bill though. I strongly disagree with the fact that the illegals already here are to be treated as criminals and aiding them will result in the penalization of both the criminal and the good Samaritan. I find this very wrong. We can't penalize others for the crime of an individual specially when they are only doing it out of a good heart.


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