Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Muse

Alas I speak once again to my beloved muse
My muse are you there, why do you torment my heart?
My heart yearns for you...
Alas my muse...

My, does your beauty torment my heart
Do you not remember me my muse...
How can beauty forget the lovely words of the beast...
Isn't the whole world a stage?
Aren't all the mortals your audience and your beauty a work of art...

Do my words intimidate? Why do you not respond?
Do I no longer inspire purity in your heart?
Have you lost you ambitions and can longer provide truth?
Speak, those words of love and beauty...
Am I no longer the fool you called a wise man?

Won't a muse inspire her lover?
Won't a muse inspire beauty?
Won't a muse revel art?
Won't a muse end the eternal pain of a frustrated artist?

Distance keeps our identities a secret,
but distance cannot keep our love a secret...
My muse, what force allows me to visit you once again?

who are you you?

Does it matter who flatters you?
I am a poet and you are my muse...
I am a person and that's all that matters,
skin colors are but beauty in different shades...

Do you not agree that life is beautiful and we should share its beauty with our brothers and sisters no matter the color of skin or the shape of their eyes, but rather the size of their hearts...

Age again you ask questions of this world while mine are of others.. Age is not a measure of the heart... For love and your inspiration is immortal...
If you must know I am other than the winds and younger than the waters...

Why do ignore me?
Block me out.
Your denial would end my pain...
Kill my inspiration,
but do not leave me talking to the wind...


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