Sunday, January 15, 2006

Why Thongs ain't Wrong

Many parents worry about letting their young teenage girls wear thongs claiming only whore dress like that. To respond to these outrageous claims I've writen a verse...

Though many may worry
What's wrong with a thong
Let young girls wear them
Before they turn thirty
And their cute little asses,
Turns huge and furry

See What I mean...

Parents let your young girls wear thongs, because if you don't allow them to do it today while they're hot and thin they'll do it when they are old (not old as in older and more mature but older as in uglier, harrier, and five kids fatter). Please parents your contribution could allow us to have an Old-Lady Wearing Thongs-Free Nation.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What on Animated Earth?

I've loved watching cartoon ever since I was a wee lad, but like anything else on earth now that I think about it they didn't make much sense. For example why is it that no in metropolis can tell Clark Kent is SuperMan. His only disguise is a pair of glasses. Are the residents of Metropolis retarded or are they just plain stupid?

Many of my queries come from the magical world of Disney. Pluto is an orange dog, who is owned by mickey a mouse, aren't mice smaller than dogs? Oh well. If pluto is a dog then what the @#$% is Goofy, is he a dog, is he a man, is he a man-dog? Also, why do all Disney characters wear white gloves? Do they get them where Michael Jackson got his?

Though Disney made many cartoons and cartoon characters which don't make sense, rival cartoon studio, Warner Bros has had just as many nonsense mess ups. For example, if Willy E. Coyote spends so much money on ACME products, why doesn't he just buy himself a pizza or a hamburger, anything?? Will he ever give up, the road runner is just to damn fast?

Popeye was my favorite cartoon as a child but I never understood why two good-looking guys like Popeye and Bluto were after such an ugly chick like Olive Oyl. I think Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit are much hotter than a flat as board chick,(...I guess she is easy to nail.)

Popeye was cool but the Pink Panther was HIP. I loved the P.P. but I've always wandered was the Pink Panther a boy panther or a girl panther. Even though he was always naked I never saw anything, Was he neutered?

I have always love SuperHeroes and one of my favorites was the Hulk, but he was the one who tell me perplexed. When Bruce Banner turned to the Hulk every piece of his clothing would rip, but his pants stayed the same. How come the Hulk's pants didn't rip? Were they elastic pants?

Well does it really matter how badly they messed up, I mean it's hard to make a cartoon, I guess if they screw up now and then it's okay as long as they keep kids entertained for hours. I love you cartoons!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

King Kong Vs Godzilla

I just saw the King Kong movie a couple of days ago, and I thought it was awsome King Kong kicked ass, which made me wonder the age old question who would win King Kong or Godzilla in a fight. Godzilla has the upper advantage since he was the ability to shoot hot lugies and scream like a wuss among many other cool power, while King Kong has no powers, but King Kong has opposable thumbs, which means he can hold a gun a shot 300 rounds of lead up Godzilla's Japanease Booty. We must also consider the fact that Godzilla has an island full of homies while Kong is all alone. Well it doesn't really matter who would win cause I could kick the crap out of both of them.